Application for cleaning cache for Xiaomi Mi8

Hi all . I recently learned about a useful application for clearing the cache => Cache Cleaner I decided to install it on Xiaomi Mi8 and received a message that this is not possible in Android 13.

What are the alternatives?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

The next best alternative app is surely SD Maid 2 SE (there are several versions, use the “2 SE”).

But note: this app has more functionality than CacheCleaner and allows also to clean up “unused data” and other stuff. When you use it without thinking you can produce serious data loss. In my case it deleted the downloaded maps and the voice of my navigation app which have been stored on a probably bad place. And you notice this never in that moment but later when you need it. My advice is: let it never delete something automatically, always have an eye on what it will be doing.

P.S.: No cats at all in this post.

On my (A13) /e/OS-T e-1.20-t-20240222382228-dev-dipper the Cache Cleaner version 1.11.0 (80) runs perfectly.

After a clean install, it safely cleans 0.91 MB in 238 apps (not including itself).

With LineageOS 21.0 (A14), however, it does not yet work and refers to Google + Android 14 in an error message.

@tom1995, have you granted all requested permissions?

Hello @tom1995

I’m regularly using Cache Cleaner (also downloaded from f-droid) on my Mi8 (dipper). It’s working well on T versions of /e/os: from 1.14 to the last one, 1.21-rc-T.
Just check the accessibility options in Settings.

Cache Cleaner version: 1.11.0
Dipper: not rooted.


Hello . Thanks for the recommendation, it’s strange that this application is not in F-droid, found it here

I’ll keep that in mind as an alternative, thanks


I figured it out, there is a hint in the right corner.

  1. Open application settings.
  2. Select “more” like this “ : ” sign
  3. Allow access to settings
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions

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