In the past I believe Lineage’s Privacy Guard could handle that. Now one probably needs a root-enabled app to control that. Not sure what’s possible via adb.
I should’ve mentioned that Privacy Guard, and by extension the ability to use Lineage addonsu (root), was removed by Lineage after Pie I believe. There’s nothing that the Murena team can do about that.
There’s been many a discussion online over the years about this. Here’s one that covered a number of items.
There was/is a commandline utility called appops that could probably be used but one needs to know the exact autostart permission to use it. Then it’s a matter of whether or not that permission is still available. Such as…
appops set <package> BOOT_COMPLETED deny
BOOT_COMPLETED didn’t work in my test. At the moment I haven’t checked for other perms.
[ It’s almost 6:30am. I should get some sleep first. ]
A root terminal or adb is needed to use appops. Of course if one is rooted this is moot as there are any number of apps and tools that can be used.