Hello everyone,
I was wondering if it’s safe to download for example my bank app from the Aurora store.
Is it safe enough ?
If not, how can I download it ?
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if it’s safe to download for example my bank app from the Aurora store.
Is it safe enough ?
If not, how can I download it ?
All apps from Aurora are the same as you can get from play store because aurora is only a special client for pkay store to get the plsy store apps anonyme.
But you should know, that a lot of banking apps won’t work on e. In the how to section here in forum you will find a solution for a banking app. Could be that you need that hack.
Ok, thank you for your answer.
I installed my bank app, the app of my credit card and the app to pay with the phone from the Aurora store. They all work properly, without doing anything special
Good to know …
Which bank is it so other users can know which one works for sure.
It is Raiffeisen (swiss bank). Twint works also without any problems.
Hi guys,
could you please post your working banking apps on this threat ?
Sometimes there is an app, which has a new version on Aurora Store. Let’s say I installed Xabber from f-droid and then after checking the Aurora Store it shows a newer version of Xabber. However after tapping install, it just won’t do anything.
Is there a particular reason for that? The same happened for me with different apps (xabber was just an example). If it happend and I removed the app which wasn’t updated, I could install it from Aurora Store without issues (as a workaround, but I’m still wondering why a simple update did not work).
The apps of f.droid does have an different signiture as they from Aurora. That’s why you can’t update them. Normally after some days, the ‘newer’ version is also shown in f-droid and you can update
Ok, thanks. Recently had strange experiences with f-droid. When you go to updates, it’s possible to tap on the apps one by one. In that way there will be a screen with the update process (showing a bar and the size of the file and of the downloaded data). While the update was running fine for a while, it suddenly stopped. It started again showing a different file size.
Triodos Bank app works perfectly
The Aurora Store sometimes comes with updates for apps out off ‘Apps’.
This gives conflicts because Auro Store apps are more up to date it seems.
sure, Aurora has access to goolag play store and apps store to apkpure or cleanapk. As long as noone will add the new apk to theses ‘sub stores’ there aren’t available in apps store.
On my devices apps store is disabled. I’m only using F-droid and sometimes Aurora
The truth is that stores like f-droid, aurora, apkwhatever are under heavy surveillance. It’s out-of-the-norm (meaning not using google playstore) if someone e.g. uses f-droid or yalp or aurora or whatever. Just remember the news, where everyone reading the Linux Journal was considered to be sort of a criminal by agencies (just search for old headlines). It’s the same with all those stores, this is why they are under surveillance. This is also the way to trick someone to install software what isn’t supposed to be there. It’s not about the stores themselves but the manipulations that can happen in between. I think it’s better not to have any store on the phone and only sideload APKs but that’s obviously not a solution for regular users.
That’s the baddest solution ever. F-droid is creating the apk from source and us making alot if checks while building the apk. You wont find any cleaner apps.
When installing apk via adb.where are the apk coming from. How do you ensure that noone has touched the apk before it was saved on your download location? How are you ensure, that the apk you are installing is the same as the developer has published?
I do believe that f-droid tries to keep their apps safe, but you’re naive if you think that it’s safe to use f-droid on an android phone. How do you ensure that nobody touched the apk? That’s like with every other Linux package, you check the hashes.
Well, I prefer install an app from F-Droid on my /e/phone than let my wife download softwares from everywhere for is Window$ laptop… Sure, a hash sum would be a pretty feature with FD’s packages… But mainstream users don’t want to spend time with security, don’t matter with trackers and so on…
Hi @kalman could you share the sources to read more about this?
Those articles are easy to find.