'Ausweis-App' F-Droid

Hi there,

I would like to install the ‘AusweisApp’ on my phone. It’s the digital identity card from Germany. In my AppLounge I find an app with the same name from F-Droid. Is this the app I’m looking for? And is the F-Droid version secure or even more secure? …

Thanks :slight_smile:

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I would choose F-Droid version direct thru the F-Droid “store”

Hi Leonuschka,

Yes that is the same app you are looking for.

The F-Droid version is linked to the following websites:

With regards to security, F-Droid is being used as an alternative distribution channel by the app developers outside of the Google Play ecosystem. It is safe to download.




Thank you both for your answers. Now I feel more confident about installing the app :blush:

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