Authentication failed error message when connecting to gmail

I keep getting Authentication failed for my gmail email attached to the mail app. I have checked the settings including username and password and they are correct. The error occurred after the 1.1 Murena update. I am on build 1.3 now and still having the same error popping up repeatedly.

Any help appreciated.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

me too i have same problem with 1.3. even with clear cache

Same here though can’t say what changed things. Happened on 27/11. I am running an older version of /e/. (Lack of time and skill).

OnePlus 3t
Ver 0.14 Yes, I know, but not everyone has the skills or the several days it might take to wipe their phone and start all over again, especially when their phone IS their internet connection.
Android 7.1.2

When I try to manually set up gee mail account, this is not allowed. As soon as a gee mail[dot]com address is identified the password field is greyed out and you must press ‘Next’ whereupon a Goolag sign in pop-up appears instead. Is this normal/ intended?

The following error text then appears: (I have added spaces into addresses as I have insufficient posting rights, even after several years here)

If you’re the app developer, make sure that these request details comply with Google policies.

  • response_type: code

  • redirect_uri: foundation .e .mail: /oauth2redirect

  • client_id: 654688539095-g7f4lov1ljpd6sjal6pgr57j19i58t2p .apps .googleusercontent .com

  • access_type: offline

  • scope: https://mail. google. com/

Can’t gee mail be set up manually?

Ah, initial searches didn’t find this…

I guess I’ll have to try and update this version and try not to brick the phone. I wish it were more user friendly…