Banking app BCV crashes, 3-D Secure, FP3+/e/os 2.1

I understand … I suggest … divide and rule :slight_smile:

There is this which you might dip into to get you started Reading and Writing Logs | Android Developers.

In your big log much of what you need to fix is expressed in those first 61 lines. I would place them alone in a text file … you might open it in a word processor and use bold or colour to help you break down what you can understand.

Checking the time + date stamps. We see

line    1   06-25 13:28:57.191
line   61   06-25 13:28:57.191
line 1120   06-25 14:27:49.221

So all the recorded events are in quite a tight timeline. Then you notice that the remainder of the log has timestamps during today.

Notice all Errors contain (in the priority character column) “space” E “space”.


^F (Find) can be used to mark thus highlight these entries.

The second level of starting to understand the crash logs might be to use ^F to see how similar or dissimilar are the “19 events” each occupying roughly 60 lines in the first “crash” section before you reach

--------- beginning of system
06-28 01:05:34.300

Again ^F is your friend; each of the nineteen events starts

E AndroidRuntime: Process:, PID:

PID is “process ID” – each event has a new PID.

When we use /e/OS we put our faith in microG to do this activity in a way that aims to connect with Google “services” but anonymously.

Some micoG bookmarks:


@steblo but what is your microg device registration state at the moment? the screenshot you posted of microg settings earlier vs what @mihi posted? I think you haven’t adressed yet if you did in fact re-enable the device registration and if so, with what device fingerprint (native or spoofed).

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Thank you for all this information, I really appreciate. But I am afraid that I might be too silly to understand it.

I spended some time on the first link, trying to understand what this text for developers (it is not adapted for noobs like me) says.
But it lost me on line one when it started speaking about multiple circular buffers. :exploding_head: That doesn’t mean anything to me, and I could not find any comprehensible information for noobs. I am sorry. :grimacing:

I then had a new look at this strange logfile.

What I can somehow understand in the first 20 lines is the following:

beginning of crash (something crashed), this started at
June 25 at 13:28:57 there was an Error (thanks for this indication) somewhere in Android and it was FATAL (yes, the app crashed or was killed by trying to activate 3DS).
Process: (this seems to be the not working app)
there is some unknown to me SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE (but I don’t understand which one?)
Caused by: java (according to what I found, this seems to be some computer program sold by Oracle, but what the heck does Oracle have to do with my not-working bank app?)
Exception: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE (which one?)
followed by a very lot of (whatever this is, it seems to be evil as it says Google, do I have to get a fire extinguisher or did Google call the fire brigade from my phone?)

I made some more researchs. All I found is Firebase Cloud Messaging (is this the same thing?) which, if I understand correctly, has something to do with notifications?
But what does this have to do with 3DS and e-banking? And if there really is a problem with this, why do I get notifications from other apps, like Signal or Mail?

Now I search for Process ID, and what do I need it for? Seems to be something like a number given to each application running on the phone. Like messaging apps working with peoples phone numbers?
But, my friends keep their phone numbers, why does this app have a new process ID so often?

:exploding_head: And how does this new knowledge help me solving the problem of this app as a user?

Sorry, but this is getting very complicated, I already have a headache. So many new things I’ll probably never need use again. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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I agree, but you are asking (yourself) all the right questions!

Sure … but you made a stab at 20 lines, some of the other 41 lines may make more sense in the morning!

You don’t have to do it all yourself as @tcecyk is pointing to the “important bits”.

The app starts a “process” gives it an “ID” and expects to complete the process (meanwhile you expect to move forward with your intended transaction).

The start of a new PID is a “singular / special” event. The earlier process failed … (not seen in a successful transaction) … a new process starts.

You might ask yourself, bearing in mind the timestamps, did the app itself “restart” a new PID … or are any of these events a result of your interaction with the app ?


I guess I will have to connect my phone to the computer, reboot the phone and type some very long adb command before starting the app, then try to activate 3DS and if it still crashes (and stays unusable, crashing before it opens), send a very huge logcat text file to the giltab crew (and then call the bank again).

This is just a very “loosely speaking” reinterpretation of what you have told us you took from the crash report. is the “full name” of the app of your title; and it is this which is found to be “SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE”.

Notice how this is the thing pointed out by @tcecyk in Post #19.

(Think of the messaging going to the app, rather than to you.)

Java as you found out is the code language in use. Some of these errors attempt to inform us in English of the problem encountered by Java.

Searching such an error online may produce links with an example of the cause of the error for comparison with your situation. There is little point in getting over involved in my suggestions; I only attempt to help you grasp the subject matter. With this in mind take account of indents in the text noting the way an “Error” subject is introduced, indents tend progressively to detail the steps in the code where where a further error occurred, then for instance we come out of indent to read a cause. The indented stuff will be of interest to the app developer.

I turned up the εxodus report for BCV; checking the reported trackers, editing slightly, they report these 3 trackers

We have found code signature of the following trackers in the application:
Adobe Experience Cloud
Microsoft Visual Studio App Center Analytics
Microsoft Visual Studio App Center Crashes.

I found it interesting that a tracker for Google Analytics for Firebase is not found directly, but I am speculating that these call are being made by one of the “third party” actors, Adobe or Microsoft.

These are probably my attempts to re-open the app several times after it initially crashed (and became unusable = died).

the service meant here is not the App banking service itself - the stacktrace comes up from FirebaseMessaging middleware code looking to being able to talk to its endpoint. But no Auth, no talking.

Atm I think steblo just needs to wait for Monday coming around to feel safe re-enabling access with bank support if things go south. Then having device-reg ON with the user-agent fingerprint on Native, then starting the Banking App and things could work out with Firebase - If not, then new stacktraces should better go to the microg issues. There are similar cases, but mostly users resolve them with device registration.


sorry, it was a very busy week, so I did not take the time to thank you all for your help and useful advice.
The solution was indeed to activate this microg registration thing with Google.
Now, it seems to work.