Battery issue after upgrade

Good morning, since I upgraded to 2.7 my battery holds only about 7-8 hours compared to almost a whole day before.
Anyone having the same issue? Any solution?

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You could see which app causes this in the Accu section of your Settings.

Generally clean the caches of all apps. Use an app like CacheCleaner or SD Maid 2/SE for that. It is suggested to do this always after a system update. An app cache from a previous OS version has often been a reason for high energy consumption.


Will give it a try, thanks!

Update: I installed and used cache cleaner but my phone is still using about 10% battery/hour. Hardware is xiaomi note 11 lite. Any other suggestions to try? Thanks!

Which apps are responsible for that? You have an app listing in Settings under Accu. You get the best results there when the accu is almost empty.

I have no heavy apps and I have one game for killing time once in a while. I didn’t install any new apps after the upgrade. On settings- battery the one using the most power is the display. No clue. Will keep checking. Thanks :+1:

In Settings > Battery > Battery usage one can view by System or view by apps.

Screen / display comes under system (it is top of the list for me). Perhaps change to view by apps.

Been there, done that. Still no changes, thanks for your suggestion :+1:

You should wait until the accu is almost empty, 20% or so. Then this list gives a good overview about the real consumation of the apps until this moment. And you should switch the screen off. When you have it on all the time it will consume a lot for sure.

My screen is off, that shouldn’t be a problem. I reinstalled and configured cache cleaner again, apparently something went wrong before and it didn’t work properly. I just cleaned up the cache of all my apps and some system apps as well. Will report how it goes.