Battety problem since version 0.18

Before version 0.18 the battery life ladt at leaste one and a half day easely!

Since version 0.18 only one day and all further version got worse. I have since yesrerday version 0.23 and the battery las half a day.

I read that people with version 1.0 had massiv battery problems.

What is happening and why is this not important for you to fix this problem as soon as possible?

Yeah, but obviously not everybody with version 1.0 (or prior versions) has this, which makes troubleshooting harder.

Perhaps you want to ask in the issue tracker, where the developers are and where they, in fact, try to get to the bottom of this in 1.0 with the help of affected users?
Before heading over there and possibly adding your voice perhaps take a moment to think about whether assuming ill will by default will help your cause :wink:

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