BlissLauncher icons on start screen

Thanks to Murena Team for your work! Till now i was using Microsoft Launcher, now I want to switch to Bliss as the new version is getting very close to what I see as a perfect launcher. Two things i am missing (maybe just not finding the right settings?!) I want 5 instead of 4 columns. And i want to pin the icons whereever i want - i like my icons on the lower part of the display, as its hard to reach the upper part one handed. And i dont want to have the screen full of icons just for my favorite apps are reachable - i want to see my kiddos picture instead :wink:

Is there any plan to improve bliss?

Frankly your wishes suggest that Bliss actually isn’t the right launcher for your needs. Filling the screen with all apps is basically a key feature of Bliss, so I can hardly imagine they will want to change that.

I would recommend to go for a different launcher. Nova Launcher is highly customizable (rows, columns etc.), and Lawnchair is often suggested, too.

I for my part used to cling to my favourite personal wallpaper (a squirrel photo I had taken in front of my house) and as few apps as possible standing in its way, too. Was quite skeptical when I switched to /e/OS and Bliss, but I got used to it pretty quickly (changed to a monochrome green wallpaper). I can live with both.

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