Is there a way to remove the option to create multiple users in the settings?
Or hide this option from the settings? I want to hinder my kids to do so in the future…
adb commands would be doable for me, more technical stuff probably not.
Thanks for any help!
A quick internet search says you should be able to achieve this by editing the system file build.prop
, for example see here … google pixel 6a - How to disable creation of multiple users option completely? - Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange … or here …
References will point out that the phone needs to be rooted to access this system file, but since you can use ADB and in /e/OS you can enable Rooted debugging in the Developer options to enable the adb root
command to get a rooted ADB shell, you might be able to pull the file to edit it and put it back via adb root without rooting the whole phone.
Thanks for your help!
I searched myself and that all seemed already “to technical” to me and since I do not really know what I am doing I am usually on the more cautious side of decision…
I dont want to break something! But I feel encouraged now and will try later.
I’ll post the result!
Thanks again!
The following seemed to work:
adb root
adb shell
su (not sure if this one is needed as I get an error with it…)
setprop fw.max_users 1
setprop fw.show_multiuserui 0
Crazy stuff…
Oh, after a reboot the setting is back to normal, what can I do about that please?
Changing the build.prop didnt work because:
adb push build.prop /system/
got me the error:
adb: error: failed to copy ‘build.prop’ to ‘/system/build.prop’: remote couldn’t create file: Read-only file system
build.prop: 0 files pushed. 0.1 MB/s (6098 bytes in 0.086s)
Does your e-Recovery > Advanced have an option Mount system
before you start adb shell
And / or you might try adb pull /system/build.prop
, edit it on a PC, then adb push it back again.
Just tried it, didnt help unfortunately.
the problem with the build.prop is that the adb push command isnt workin, see my edited post above.
Maybe this is for you?
After setting up Parental Control with only one user, your child won’t be able to create new users.
Thank you very much @obacht!
I did look into the feature when it came out but did not have it in mind now. Really another great achievement from /e/ OS!
Does anyone know if the app “Timelimit” still works if the parental controls are activated?
can´t say but from what I read in the description it will depend on:
- whether it is an “admin app” or not (edit#2: according to the app’s description, time limit requires androids device admin permission)
- the “age rating” of the app.
In case it does not work, that screen-time-limit-function would be a good addon to the Parental Control anyways.
(edit#1: if you forum-search for “parental control” screen-time-limitation seems to be the most wanted feature on top of the existing ones)
Will try but the admin thing sounds like a problem…
Timelimit is really great, been using it for years now.
Also the dev Jonas Lochmann ( seems quite helpful to me, maybe he would be willing on cooperate on this?
Anyway, screen time limitation would be another great for e// to have!
For my issue the next thing is that the parental controls are not implemented in /e/ OS r (Android 11) which one of my kids devices still is…
Thanks everbody for contrbuting!
Unfortunately Timelimit and /e/ Parental Controls dont work together because of both being an admin app, as @obacht suggested.
So I stil need to work out how to push back the modified build.prop to the device…
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I am doing a run of that right now but my device is community. Is your build official? This could explain your issue, where rooted debugging may not be available. Is required.
Edit I was able to reproduce
test@test:~$ adb push build.prop /system/
build.prop: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 89.4 MB/s (6043 bytes in 0.000s)
adb: error: failed to copy 'build.prop' to '/system/build.prop': remote couldn't create file: Read-only file system
… due to deliberate incomplete set up of the environment, as the file is not read only …
test@test:~$ adb shell
ocean:/ # cd /system/
ocean:/system # ls -al build.prop
-rw------- 1 root root 6073 2009-01-01 00:00 build.prop
… and my substitution of build.prop
was successful.
Thanks @aibd ! Unfortunately I am Linux newbie still, so could you please explain what this means? Maybe the build.prop was pushed despite the error? Your error gives 1 pushed, my error gave me 0 pushed unfortunately.
All my devices run community builds btw…
Negative, this was me trying to reproduce this part of your error
failed to copy ‘build.prop’ to ‘/system/build.prop’: remote couldn’t create file: Read-only
with deliberate failure to set up correctly.
To actually do the transfer I did
Developer options > USB debugging + Rooted debugging.
Boot to e-Recovery, tap on Advanced
enable ADB
mount system
- Check that both items show at the foot of the recovery screen.
test@test:~$ adb devices
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully
List of devices attached
ZxxxxxxxxR recovery
test@test:~$ adb root
adbd is already running as root
test@test:~$ adb push build.prop /system/
build.prop: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 71.7 MB/s (6073 bytes in 0.000s)
Use back Arrow > Reboot system now