Blutooth and smartwatch pairing not possible on Murena2

Hello, I’ve already tried a few apps as Mi Fitness and Gadgetbridge to pair Mi Watch with Murena2,
and it didn’t work. Seems to look like Bluetooth doesn’t see the device at all :frowning: Would you please give me your ideas how to solve that issue?

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Of course Bluetooth pairing with a sports watch is possible. I did this two days ago with my Coros. The problem is that every watch is different.

  • Some watches have an option for switching Bluetooth on and off. Don’t forget a Do-not-disturb-mode some watches have. Other watches are permanently searching for a Bluetooth environment but for energy saving reasons only once per minute or similar. This means pairing can require some time.

  • Some watches require an action on the watch, then on the device and then again on the watch. This can be tricky and you must have a look on both devices.

  • It can be that your watch has no name (over Bluetooth). /e/ has an option while scanning for devices to list only such ones having a name. This option is normally on.

  • It can also be that your watch has already an older pairing to your phone in mind. But your phone forgot it or you deleted it there or you made a system update which deleted it. In such case it can be needed to remove the already known paring from the watch before you can establish a new pairing. This can be tricky, sometimes a factory reset of the watch is needed.

  • Some watches are not very powerful for energy saving reasons. I would keep the distance between the watch and the phone under 1m.

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