Bonjour RATP and location


Globally the location is working fine on my Fair Phone 3. Magic Earth is working correctly and the location is exposed though the Advanced Privacy setting.

However I have an application called “Bonjour RATP” witch is not working correctly. When I start the app I have the blue icon on the top right of the screen saying that the location is used. But when I start a research I have the message : Sorry, no route found. Unable to find your position.

Is-it due to the application ?


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Hello Smutel.
You might be another victim of … and have found a third app that doesn’t work with e-OS micro-G version ?

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After discussing with the developers on telegram, it’s seems that it is not related to

Bonjour RATP (like CityMapper) is not compatible with MicroG.

So I installed IDF Mobilités and Transportr and it is working correctly with these applications.