Building /e/ for mata from essential

H /e/ llo Community!
trying to build for mata from essential and getting some errors on dependencies.
Any idea what may be wrong here?

[Mon Oct 15 18:10:00 UTC 2018] Starting build for mata, eelo-0.1 branch
including vendor/cm/
build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product “lineage_mata”. Stop.
build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product “cm_mata”. Stop.
build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product “lineage_mata”. Stop.

Fetching project LineageOS/android_device_essential_mata
Device mata not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from LineageOS Github (http :// github. com/LineageOS).
Found repository: android_device_essential_mata
Default revision: cm-14.1
Checking branch info
Checking if device/essential/mata is fetched from android_device_essential_mata
Adding dependency: LineageOS/android_device_essential_mata → device/essential/mata
Using default branch for android_device_essential_mata
Syncing repository to retrieve project.
Repository synced!
Looking for dependencies in device/essential/mata
Adding dependencies to manifest
Checking if device/essential/mata/data-ipa-cfg-mgr is fetched from android_device_essential_mata_data-ipa-cfg-mgr
Adding dependency: LineageOS/android_device_essential_mata_data-ipa-cfg-mgr → device/essential/mata/data-ipa-cfg-mgr
Using default branch for android_device_essential_mata_data-ipa-cfg-mgr
Checking if device/essential/mata/gps is fetched from android_device_essential_mata_gps
Adding dependency: LineageOS/android_device_essential_mata_gps → device/essential/mata/gps
Using default branch for android_device_essential_mata_gps
Checking if kernel/essential/msm8998 is fetched from android_kernel_essential_msm8998
Adding dependency: LineageOS/android_kernel_essential_msm8998 → kernel/essential/msm8998
Using default branch for android_kernel_essential_msm8998
Checking if kernel/essential/msm8998/drivers/staging/fw-api is fetched from android_kernel_essential_msm8998_drivers_staging_fw-api
Adding dependency: LineageOS/android_kernel_essential_msm8998_drivers_staging_fw-api → kernel/essential/msm8998/drivers/staging/fw-api
Using default branch for android_kernel_essential_msm8998_drivers_staging_fw-api
Checking if kernel/essential/msm8998/drivers/staging/qca-wifi-host-cmn is fetched from android_kernel_essential_msm8998_drivers_staging_qca-wifi-host-cmn
Adding dependency: LineageOS/android_kernel_essential_msm8998_drivers_staging_qca-wifi-host-cmn → kernel/essential/msm8998/drivers/staging/qca-wifi-host-cmn
Using default branch for android_kernel_essential_msm8998_drivers_staging_qca-wifi-host-cmn
Checking if kernel/essential/msm8998/drivers/staging/qcacld-3.0 is fetched from android_kernel_essential_msm8998_drivers_staging_qcacld-3.0
Adding dependency: LineageOS/android_kernel_essential_msm8998_drivers_staging_qcacld-3.0 → kernel/essential/msm8998/drivers/staging/qcacld-3.0
Using default branch for android_kernel_essential_msm8998_drivers_staging_qcacld-3.0
Checking if vendor/qcom/opensource/fst-manager is fetched from android_vendor_qcom_opensource_fst-manager
Adding dependency: LineageOS/android_vendor_qcom_opensource_fst-manager → vendor/qcom/opensource/fst-manager
Using default branch for android_vendor_qcom_opensource_fst-manager
Checking if vendor/qcom/opensource/location is fetched from android_vendor_qcom_opensource_location
Adding dependency: LineageOS/android_vendor_qcom_opensource_location → vendor/qcom/opensource/location
Using default branch for android_vendor_qcom_opensource_location
Checking if vendor/nxp-nfc/opensource/frameworks is fetched from android_vendor_nxp-nfc_opensource_frameworks
Adding dependency: LineageOS/android_vendor_nxp-nfc_opensource_frameworks → vendor/nxp-nfc/opensource/frameworks
Using default branch for android_vendor_nxp-nfc_opensource_frameworks
Checking if vendor/nxp-nfc/opensource/libnfc-nci is fetched from android_vendor_nxp-nfc_opensource_libnfc-nci
Adding dependency: LineageOS/android_vendor_nxp-nfc_opensource_libnfc-nci → vendor/nxp-nfc/opensource/libnfc-nci
Using default branch for android_vendor_nxfatal: could not read Username for ‘https:// github .com’: No such device or address
fatal: could not read Username for ‘https:/ /’: No such device or address
fatal: could not read Username for ‘https:/ /’: No such device or address
fatal: could not read Username for ‘https:/ /’: No such device or address
fatal: could not read Username for ‘https:/ /’: No such device or address
fatal: could not read Username for ‘https:/ /’: No such device or address
fatal: could not read Username for ‘https:/ /’: No such device or address
fatal: could not read Username for ‘https:/ /’: No such device or address
error: Cannot fetch LineageOS/android_kernel_essential_msm8998_drivers_staging_qca-wifi-host-cmn
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:–:-- --:–:-- --:–:-- 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:–:-- --:–:-- --:–:-- 0
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
Server does not provide clone.bundle; ignoring.
fatal: could not read Username for ‘https:/ /’: No such device or address
error: Cannot fetch LineageOS/android_kernel_essential_msm8998_drivers_staging_fw-api
error: Cannot fetch LineageOS/android_device_essential_mata_gps
error: Cannot fetch LineageOS/android_device_essential_mata_data-ipa-cfg-mgr
fatal: could not read Username for ‘https:/ /’: No such device or address
error: Cannot fetch LineageOS/android_vendor_qcom_opensource_fst-manager

error: Exited sync due to fetch errors
Fetching project LineageOS/android_device_essential_mata_gps
Fetching project LineageOS/android_vendor_qcom_opensource_location
Fetching project LineageOS/android_kernel_essential_msm8998_drivers_staging_qca-wifi-host-cmn
Fetching project LineageOS/android_vendor_nxp-nfc_opensource_Nfc
Fetching project LineageOS/android_kernel_essential_msm8998
Fetching project LineageOS/android_kernel_essential_msm8998_drivers_staging_fw-api
Fetching project LineageOS/android_device_essential_mata_data-ipa-cfg-mgr
Fetching project LineageOS/android_vendor_qcom_opensource_fst-manager
Checking if vendor/nxp-nfc/opensource/Nfc is fetched from android_vendor_nxp-nfc_opensource_Nfc
Adding dependency: LineageOS/android_vendor_nxp-nfc_opensource_Nfc → vendor/nxp-nfc/opensource/Nfc
Using default branch for android_vendor_nxp-nfc_opensource_Nfc
Syncing dependencies
Looking for dependencies in device/essential/mata/data-ipa-cfg-mgr
Dependencies file not found, bailing out.
Looking for dependencies in device/essential/mata/gps
Dependencies file not found, bailing out.
Looking for dependencies in kernel/essential/msm8998
Dependencies file not found, bailing out.
Looking for dependencies in kernel/essential/msm8998/drivers/staging/fw-api
Dependencies file not found, bailing out.
Looking for dependencies in kernel/essential/msm8998/drivers/staging/qca-wifi-host-cmn
Dependencies file not found, bailing out.
Looking for dependencies in kernel/essential/msm8998/drivers/staging/qcacld-3.0
Dependencies file not found, bailing out.
Looking for dependencies in vendor/qcom/opensource/fst-manager
Dependencies file not found, bailing out.
Looking for dependencies in vendor/qcom/opensource/location
Dependencies file not found, bailing out.
Looking for dependencies in vendor/nxp-nfc/opensource/frameworks
Dependencies file not found, bailing out.
Looking for dependencies in vendor/nxp-nfc/opensource/libnfc-nci
Dependencies file not found, bailing out.
Looking for dependencies in vendor/nxp-nfc/opensource/Nfc
Dependencies file not found, bailing out.

please note that in the log above needed to manually tweak the github links since as a new user cannot post links

using the same setup I have no problem building for hammerhead, but still a problem for mata

@lleo are you still facing the same build issue…were you able to try for other devices besides hammerhead ?

Thanks for asking, no I have not been able to build for mata from Essential.

Separately, while building for hammerhead completes OK, with no errors, after flashing my build to a device, the microg settings page force-closes.

Please can you share a logcat for the issue so that the development can have a look.

@Manoj I am also facing same error while building for essential phone mata , i am trying with below for running docker
sudo docker run -v “/srv/e/src:/srv/src:delegated” -v “/srv/e/zips:/srv/zips:delegated” -v “/srv/e/logs:/srv/logs:delegated” -v “/srv/e/ccache:/srv/ccache:delegated” -e “BRANCH_NAME=v1-nougat” -e “DEVICE_LIST=mata” -e “CUSTOM_PACKAGES=‘MuPDF GmsCore GsfProxy FakeStore Telegram Signal Mail BlissLauncher BlissIconPack MozillaNlpBackend OpenWeatherMapWeatherProvider AccountManager MagicEarth OpenCamera eDrive Weather Notes Tasks NominatimNlpBackend Light DroidGuard OpenKeychain QKSMS Bromite BromiteWebView LibreOfficeViewer’” -e “SIGNATURE_SPOOFING=restricted” -e “OTA_URL=” -e “REPO=”

Can you please let me know what i am missing

Wanted to check if mata is supported officially by Lineage 15.1? Not able to find Essential here

@Manoj , Yes i could see that it not supported by lineage OS. But i could see the builds for Essential phone in /e/foundation in below link
Is there a way to build the android for Essential phone mata

@kannan I am sorry my reply was rather cryptic. Yes you are right Essential is not supported by Lineage but is present in /e/. I am not sure the build process will work to port Essential out of the box if you are trying to build for oreo. You will have to do some customization’s and changes. Will check who worked on this and get back to you.

Hi @kannan got an update for you. One of the team members of /e/ had built the ROM in nougat code with a few repos’s . You can find the details here

Anyone know if we will eventually see official Oreo or possibly even Pie builds in the future?

Now that LOS 16 has regular builds for mata will we the nightly builds for /e/ switch to Pie?

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