Building for xiaomi devices


I was building my own /e/ rom for the Mi8. Not done it for a few months.

It wont build now, I’m assuming becuase of this

Getting ninja error about stuff missing. The build I have for the oneplus 3T is working fine in the same docker instance.

How do we go about building for Xiaomi devices now?

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Yesterday I have learned that lineage has reopened the support for XIAOMI devices. So the sources should be available again.

are you building with docker or with In you can disable the source sync from TheMuppets. Than the build should work

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I’m building using docker. I did try it about 12 hours ago. I’ll try it again later.

I’ll have a look for this script, thanks

If you are using docker, you have to add a special command for bypass TheMuppets. I have to search for the command

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pls add this to your docker command:

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Thanks, I’ll give it a go.

any idea what would stop working, not including the proprietary blobs?

You can extract the blobs for your device by following the instructions given here. If the build breaks check the logs it may indicate some files as missing…download the files from Github and place it in the appropriate folders. The build will eventually run and works perfectly …even without TheMuppets.

Thanks, I’ll take a look.

I have just seen, that the vendor tree sources are still not available in lineageOS github :frowning: So the only way is he extract-files as Manoj has written.


not failing till 99% now at least. Getting the below error which I assume is to do with the blobs missing ?

ninja: error: ‘/srv/src/PIE/out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/WfdCommon_intermediates/javalib.jar’, needed by ‘/srv/src/PIE/out/target/product/dipper/dex_bootjars/system/framework/’, missing and no known rule to make it
10:52:10 ninja failed with: exit status 1

Yes, I have had it 100 times. Where are your vendor sources from ? Have you run ? This never works for me. Better search github for the right vendor sources. Only TheMuppets is closed. For a lot devices the sources are availble in other repositories.

I didn’t have any vendor sources, so that would exsplain why it failed.

I noticed that Lineage is back to building nightlies for dipper, so did a sync kicked off a build before I left for work.

Hoping it will now work as lineage is.