when I try to open Calendar, there is a pop up windows asking me to log in … and by not doing it and refusing Calendar to access the contacts, I am not able to add contacts.
Any suggestion for a good calendar app? I just need an app with local backup (SD/USB…) and reminders, no logging in, and no strange permissions/privacy issues.
Hi, I have tried the Calendar app from Simple Mobile Tools, but I was not able to get the notification of the event (I mean, no reminder at all of the upcoming event).
Has anybody experience the same issue? Or is it an issue with my settings (although I was quite sure it was properly set up…)?
Offiline calendar if fine by me (only backup on microSD if needed). But I was not able to get the notifications (reminders) of an event … I will see with the next one… and check what could be wrong
Hi again
I still have trouble with the notifications …
They seemed to work (vibration + notification - I hated the continuous vibration and I lately removed it) but in my latest test:
I created an event for the next day at 8 am (until 9 am)
I added 2 notifications, one 15 minutes before, and one at start
I switched off the phone and switched on the next day at 10 am
no notifications (and the even was present in the calendar).
Do you experience the same?
I have downloaded it, and my understanding is that Offiline Calendar can create a calendar (offline, as the name suggests that is then opened by a calendar app. In this way, I was able to use the standard /e/ calendar without having to sign in to any online services (and without having to be bothered by the log in screen …), therefore I am seeing if “etar” is better than “simple calendar” (at least, visually it is better, in my opinion, the only missing items is an offline backup). In parallel, I discovered Calendar notifications, which should improve the management of the notifications (I am stil trying to understand the difference with and without it