Camera app on double press

Hi, I’m using /e/ on the Nexus 4. It should be the latest official version.

The camera app constantly starts itself when it thinks I double press the on button, both in lock screen and unlocked. This is highly annoying, as it takes a while for the camera to load for me to then close it again. On other phones there was a way to turn that “Camera on double press” feature off, but I can’t seem to find it on /e/.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


Could you explain, what button ?

Type camera in Settings search box on top…you should see a jump to camera . Disable that to prevent this triggering of the camera app


Or Settings > System > Advanced > Gestures

Could you explain, what button ?
The “on” button of the phone. The one I use to get it to wake up.

Type camera in Settings search box on top…you should see a jump to camera . Disable that to prevent this triggering of the camera app

Or Settings > System > Advanced > Gestures

Thanks for the suggestions, but there are no Camera settings and there are no Gestures settings.

Could you please post Android version and /e/ version from “About phone” in settings ?

Sorry, that phone broke, so I can’t. I was using the most recent dev version that the install instructions link to.

Sorry for your phone :frowning:
Nougat is a very old Android version, some advice here may not be accurate …