Cannot authorize access to Notes

I recently installed Iotas, an awesome desktop app that syncs with Nextcloud Notes, in this case our ecloud. On my desktop, I give iotas the server URL and it opens the Murena website asking if I’d like to authorize this app to access my notes.

On my laptop, same os, same wifi network, Murena cloud blocks the action saying the state token does not match.

Anyone know anything about this and how to rectify it? This is quite urgent for me personally.

Using as the server address, rather than The server is apparently doing some fancy redirection, ( -> which confuses many apps. More details in this thread

(Apparently, this is not /e/'s problem, it’s a problem with all the apps that access NextCloud and which work just fine with other NextCloud instances. So don’t expect a fix from /e/ :frowning: )