Cannot send pictures via message app from camera folder

I know, it’s a convoluted title, but I wanted to be specific. SMS from the native camera app through the native message app. Only his combo is the problem

I can send pics from other folders in my files through SMS. I can send pics from the “camera” folder through signal.

Does not APPEAR to be related to the OS update. Problem started around 8 April, my phone says I updated the OS on 23 March.

I have marched through settings for camera, message and files, but I am missing something.


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Message app> hamburger menu > settings > auto compress MMS attachments > 600 KB. I have no idea if this was enabled before, and somehow got un-ticked or what. I don’t know if other cariers have this limit. The OS has had some issues that are sometimes more than I want to deal with, but Mint moile has been flat out garbage. I guess I solved this one.

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