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Trying to understand what 0.15 was, I’ve realized how misleading the version numbers were… Honestly it really looks like the goal was to name releases in a such a way that no one would understand what it means.
If someone could point me to a document where a clear mapping exists I would be really thankful.
I’ve found references to 0.15 as nougat, others as “U”… this makes absolutely no sense to me.

What I can say is that the reported version on my device is 0.13-o-2020120889191-dev-starlte which as far as I understand means v 0.13 (of /e/, but what does it really mean) and Android Oreo (o). Again the fact the two are mentioned in the same version number makes no sense to me, but probably there is an explanation somewhere.

What I understand from topics like this one, is that I could potentially move to Android 10/Q (I say potentially but reading the topic, I should probably wait for a century or two…), while the version remains 0.13

Again if there is somewhere a matrix of the versions (… 0.13, 0.14, 0.15…) and the android versions (…Nougat, Oreo, …) with for each of the cells of this matrix, compliant devices and features… That would clearly greatly help