Cannot update Threema via App Lounge anymore

Hey guys,
please help me out.
Since a few weeks now, I cannot update the messenger “Threema” that I bought on Google Playstore years ago via the App Lounge.
Error message: “Threema. Der sichere Messenger’s update has failed due to a support rule (location, OS version…).”
[OS set to English in order to see the EM, the apps name stayed German, which I normally use]

I currently use e OS 1.16-s-20231017342507-stable-FP3 on my Fairphone 3+
Using it for more than a year without any issues.
Threema is the only app that does not update anymore.
I also waited for at least one newer Threema version, but the issue stays.
I also waited for an eOS update (updated from 1.15 to 1.16 this week).
I also did all the troubleshooting steps from
Neither of is helped.
My Google account is up and running.

My next step would be to buy a Threema licence outsite of Google Playstore (currently this is the last app I use, that paid for via Google, so I could then get rid of it completely). But before I do it, I thought I could ask here for help. Worst thing would be if Threema would not work anymore. Please help.
I will provide you all needed info if I can.


Experiencing the same on my Pixel5/redfin.

I’m just sideloading the apk exported from another phone with mainline Android until this gets sorted out.

Do you have another device?

Got the same issue here on FP4 with eOS v1.16. Also tried the steps mentioned by @Tuvix without success. The error message in the toast is also not helpful at all.

Maybe try Threema Libre from F-Droid, it is FOSS :man_shrugging:. I use the Libre version since a couple of months no issues.

Or you could uninstall the app und install again. I remember a similiar discussion with an other app, that did the trick

I also still use Threema Libre without any problems (FP4 / FP5 with eOS).

Simply add the Threema repository to F-Droid and use Threema Libre - although this will probably require a new license.

No, it does not. I switched from Play Stoe app to the FOSS.

look here

If you would like to switch to Threema Libre from the Play Store or the Threema
Shop version, please create a data backup in the current Threema version, and
restore it in Threema Libre (see this FAQ article for details). Then, if
everything is set up and running in Threema Libre, delete the other Threema

Won’t work as you cannot use you playstore license in libre. You would have to buy another one.
Have done the process by myself when switching to /e/ last year


I was wondering if something regarding the payment stuff is broken in App Lounge. I tried reinstalling Threema (Playstore version) but I need to buy it again now. My old purchase isn’t recognized anymore. Also the link from the dialog is not working when App Lounge asks to redirect to Google Play site. Relogin and restart won’t help either.

My only option at the moment is the Libre version but that would also require to buy a new licence, since I payed threema via Play Store.

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I did not remember correctly, I bought the license directly at Threema but used the app from App Lounge (Play Store). Sorry about the wrong feedback :see_no_evil::see_no_evil: At the time I started using Threema I allready had eOS and could not buy one thru an store app

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Same problem here with Threema and 1.17-s-20231109350748-stable-FP4
It also affects other apps that use paid licences via playstore (Slay the spire, ISS detector pro, OsmAnd+, …)

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You can install OsmAnd+ from F-Droid for free - no need for a paid licence


Got the same messages for Happn and Tinder today when App Lounge tried to install today’s updates. None of them are paid apps, but have optional subscriptions. Seems like a bug related to how apps from Google Play are handled.


I had trouble with updates as well. But forgot the details, sorry.
Because I didn’t know Threema Libre I bought a new license from Threema and installed the apk I downloaded from them.
Now Threema (version 5.1.4) runs fine on my Pixel 4a with 1.17-t and updates reguarly.


Having same message during update “due to a support rule (location, OS version…)” for Skype, Telegram, WhatsApp, Google maps and Chess (yes, I have full bucket of evil here). I closed AppLounge and after some time came back and pressed retry, and all except telegram got updated. Restarted phone and retried telegram again, and still no luck. I hope it eventually will update, like others? problem seems to be random and temporarry…

You can switch from Website Threema to Threema Libre if you want, I did that too. As long as you have a license from Threema, I mean a Key, then there is no Problem with it.

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