Can't access contacts or calendar from desktop (Fedora 41)

I’m unable to access my contacts and calendar from Gnome (Fedora 41) using a Nextcloud online account. This used to work just fine but ever since started having issues, this has not worked. The service has been back for some time now on my phone but I’m still not able to access contacts or calendar from my desktop (I can setup the Nextcloud connection just fine).

Is this something that will just not work ever again? Do I need to search yet again for another solution?

I’d guess gnome-online-accounts can’t handle when one of the dav endpoints returns a 503

~$ curl -X GET -I -s | head -n1
HTTP/2 503 
~$ curl -X GET -I -s | head -n1
HTTP/2 401

(the 401 is fine)

Worth it to file a bug to make goa tolerate a partially unavailable ressource? Debug guide is here (see “Logging”), source is here. Running

G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all /usr/libexec/goa-daemon --replace

should give you a bit of useful info where it fails specifically?

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