Can't find specific app in App Lounge

Hi! I’m not sure if this is the right way to post this, sorry if I’m doing something wrong!

I can’t find a specific app in the App Lounge, and as I understand it, all apps available on the Play Store should be available on the App Lounge?

The app is Hangout

I am on a new, just opened Fairphone 5

Thank you in advance!!

Welcome to the Community :wave:

This app is offered to me in an App Lounge search on my Fairphone 3+ running /e/OS 2.6.3-U-community.

You might want to check your App Lounge settings, perhaps you are shown only open source apps?

Thank you for your quick answer!

The settings are set to show all apps, and I found and successfully downloaded and installed all other apps I needed from the App Lounge (such as Signal, ProtonMail, Spotify, etc)

I also downloaded Aurora Store, and the app also does not show there.

Search the package name of the app : ‘’

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Thank you! This way I found it, but it says it’s unsupported… Is there any way around this?

Again thanks in advance!!/ :pray:

I’ve found typing the app name followed by “app” tends to find those apps that refuse to be found on first try. Eg. for you: “Hangout app”

I think this problem will be fixed in the next version of App Lounge :


Great! Thanks for the info :blush: