Can't login into my Google Account

Hello everyone, I have a problem with a login to my google account via callendar app that I use (Business Callendar) and a tasks app as well (Business Tasks). Every time I tap to sync, I receive a message that “Authentication failed. Check login credentials”. I tried to update credentials several times with no effect on syncing. I’m 100% sure that they are ok, as I can login to my google account with my web browser. I’ll be really grateful for any help.

Built in /e/ Calendar app is not google’s, its been de-googled by /e/ for privacy purposes so that could be possibly why it won’t work. Export all your google calendar events and then import them into /e/ calendar. You can access them on the web via desktop too.

Tasks are also handled with an /e/ account based on nextcloud.

I’m affraid you’ve misunderstood me. I use Business Callendar (an app downloaded from google play via Aurora Store which has a native functionality to sync with google) rather than /e/ callendar. I thought that /e/ OS’s support for google accounts allows full synchronisation…

Oh ok then yes I misunderstood. It could possibly be that this business calendar app requires google play services to work with google account. Microg which is integrated into /e/ in place of google play services to allow most apps dependant on google play services to work may not be sufficient for it to work in this case… Maybe someone else can weigh in on this?

You will find alot of questions regarding issues sync with Google account, contacts, calendar, and so on. But you will find no solution. Sorry.

I thought I found a nice stable, smooth ROM with good battery life, regular updates and security patches for my old Galaxy Note 2 but now I see it’s not for me as I can’t entirely resign from Google services (at least for now). Thank you all for your help.

Welcome and allways have a look on your outgoing data