Can't send email from address

Hi, I have this exact same problem : SMTP message sending failed - "LOCAL_BL_FROM" - #8 by kempel

Yesterday I tried to send an email to 10 recipients, and since then I get an error “impossible… matched map: LOCAL_BL_FROM”, even if I try to send to one recipient.

Trying with thunderbord on computer, mail app on /e/OS, and murena webmail. Nothing works.

Sending from the address on TB works.

Very annoying since my address si my main address for everything.

Already contacted helpdesk. Wainting for answer.

Am I alone with that problem ?

This error shows up when you exceed the rate limit for mail sending. The system would not allow more than 3-4 emails in an hour. Each mail is counted as separate. Sending the same mail to 50 different IDs in cc will be treated as 50 separate emails. That is for the free accounts. Have asked the infra team to check your mail which you sent on the helpdesk.

So does that limit count multiple copies of the same email (via a cc list) as being separate emails?

And does the same limit apply to my email, which is a free account (at present, at least). That would be something I need to know, and if it does apply then I do not recall seeing it when I singed up…

Just to be clear: in a free a/c it is a perfectly reasonable limit, but if it applies to muliple addresses in the cc of a single outgoing email than that needs to be made clearer, in my opinion; if only to reduce the number of queries like in the OP here.

Yes it does count as separate emails. Have updated the post above.

Okay thanks for the explanation.
I understand why I was not able to send an email to 10 recipients.
But what I don’t understand is why now my account is blocked. I can’t even send an email to one recipient.

Where can I read the terms of use for the free account? I don’t remember having red that 3-4 emails per hour limitation somewhere.
Here : Murena's Workspace there is no mention of that limitation. The paid plan refers only to storage.
No mention about the limitation there neither:
Nothing there neither: Using the new e-mail address

I use my account since several years now, and in 2021 I sent an email to 67 recipients. When was the limitation implemented and communicated to the users?

Y feel discomfort about that. Now that I widely use my account and told all my contacts to use that email address, new conditions make it very limited. I wonder what will be next. I just lost a bug chuck of trust for Murena.

These conditions are only for free accounts, not paid one. An infra team member will be checking your account to resolve the issue.

I understand these conditions are for free accounts, I have a free account since the beginning. In 2021 I was able to send an email to 67 recipients with my free account. That means that at some point between 2021 and now, conditions changed.

So what I ask is:

  • when the 3-4 emails per hour limitation have been implemented?
  • when was this limitation communicated to the existing free users?
  • where is this limitation explained on Murena website?


These restriction came in almost a year back. I think I had mentioned this on some posts in the forum. Some users have been misusing our free email, which resulted in Ids getting blacklisted for spamming. Will ask the team to add it in the documentation.