Can't synchronize documents with the cloud without synchronizing pictures and video

Dear all,
I use Murena e/os 1.20 . I want to synchronize only the documents on the cloud, but not the pictures and films I have on my phone. So I put off the “Image & video” sync, but in the same time, it put off also the document sync. What can I do?

I’m about to think that it is a commercial way to oblige people to fullfilled their cloud…

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

it’s just a technical limitation, the folders are still hardcoded. The real option title is “File Sync” and documents are files. You need to switch to a 3rd party sync software and disable the in-built sync to get fine grained options.

Then theres “Easysync”, but it doesn’t have fine grained sync settings per folder either.

Another vote for the NextCloud software. It works fine, is much more configurable that /e/'s software, and doesn’t have so many bugs / issues

Thann you very much for your help,

Nextcloud works well. I didn’t disable the inbuilt sync yet because I was worried about loosing data

8 mars 2024, 15:14 de