I’m using a fairphone 4 with /e/OS 1.5.1-s-20221102231514-stable.
Today, we had our nationwide (Germany) warning day, where cell broadcast was also used. Following the news, I thought that my phone will receive those cell broadcasts, but nothing happend.
How can I check, if my phone/software can receive cell broadcasts?
I thought it’s not shown due to developer mode, but I was wrong. The option not showing up doesn’t need to be indication for it not working though. If you go to
Settings → Apps → see all Apps → upper left “Show system” → search for “cell”
do you get the Cell Brodcast Service and cellbroadcastreceiver?
didn’t have issues with R/Q releases, but didn’t see an alert on a FP3 with Android S. Implementation of cellbroadcast changed between A11 and A12. Could also be due to a country config issue.
that’s a default with all system Apps. But sure, permissions something to look at. cellbroadcast is itself a permission.
country config issue
just speculating, not worth much.
I know you can’t see the option currently, but if you would, you can subscribe to monthly test alerts until assured in some version X that stuff is working. There was a prior issue that sheds some light on how to test the component with a debug app too at https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/backlog/-/issues/5867
If somebody creates a new issue you probably want to link to that
I 've searched for this setting and I found it. And all settings are enabled.
Now, I have some questions.
Why is this setting hidden?
If it is hidden because the function is not working properly, why make it
searchable and not hide it at all and communicate this (maybe changelog)?
At least, it is an emergency function.
As I wrote, all settings were enabled, but I received nothing.
I highly appreciate your efforts, and would be glad to hear about a solution.
And if it is only to update to the next version.
By the way, when will this version be available?