Censorship on /e/ website and poor convictions!

I recently found that you can ignore users comments in the preferences, nice feature!

One can also ignore a thread by using the Tracking button at bottom (use Muted) :wink:

User ignore : https://blog.discourse.org/category/updates/page/3/ (scroll down to : Ignore).
I’ve personally been used it for months, it’s my personal right of censorship to not be bothered by some “users”. This way also, I avoid the risk of feeding the trolls.

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You perfectly know he was targetting specific malevolent users that don’t know anything about the project, degoogling phones but love to spread FUD etc… and give moderators a hard time, not the new/uneducated users in their globality.

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@petefoth goes looking for that setting :slight_smile:

…muted. :wink: Back to work.

I’ve read a LOT on these forums lately and have seen zero malevolence from anyone who ‘doesn’t know anything about the project.’ Do they exist? If so, please point them out to me.

The closest thing I’ve seen is some people concerned or complaining about feature X which they don’t like, or think that it could be improved upon. I’m guilty of this too, but I’m pretty sure I’m not being a hater or troll about it.

So, no…that was not clear – @GaelDuval 's choice of words were poor, and came off as condescending, arrogant. He is more than welcome to clarify what he posted earlier.


Since you’re following this topic, would it be possible for us to have an official statement from you to know whether /e/ searX instance (espot) logs users IP addresses or not?

I’ve already asked that multiple times on a dedicated topic (that has been closed by your team) pointing out that your instance was actually logging its users IP addresses (Please stop logging IP addresses with searx /e/ spot). /e/ team refused to give a proper answer and I even got a comment asking for explanations deleted. Not the best move for transparency…

It’s a simple yes or no question. We deserve an official answer. Thanks in advance

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I would just like to start out by saying that I am an “idiot noob” … :smiley:

I appreciate /e/ and everything they have accomplished. As a libertarian, I prefer not to give my information/money to Google or any other entity who then uses that information/money to fund causes and organization hell-bent on taking away my liberties. That’s the real takeaway from using /e/ in my book - the ability to de-fund those who are antagonistic to liberty.

I have absolutely no issues with giving information to companies who then use that info to serve me better, present me with products that I might actually use and/or who are not participating in the “Cancel Culture” which is currently all the rage here in the USA. All power to them - and I am very grateful that /e/ is providing an alternative and a means to move away from Google.

If you need to delete this post, I totally understand … :smiley:


@GaelDuval, I would really appreciate to have your answer concerning my previous post.

Also I find it terrible that my last comment in the mentionned thread, pointing out Manoj’s contradictions about him avoiding to give a straight answer and about his attacks against me has been arbitrarily deleted. That’s really a bad call for /e/'s reputation as it only demonstrates (in this case) /e/'s team refusal to be confronted to its own contradictions and to give a straight and honest answer.

We are only asking for a yes or no answer, nothing more and we , as /e/ users/supporters, deserve to have it


I am sure I had discussed this offline with you . The fact that some external agency reported the searx used by /e/ was logging IP’s was reported and the dev team resolved it.
I had clearly mentioned that this logging was not done intentionally. The dev team resolved and closed the issue.
I had also mentioned that if there are any such leaks we would always be happy to close it if the same is not caught in our internal testing.
Beyond this if there is a desire to paint all of /e/ as villains and blame us endlessly then there is nothing else I can add to this.


If you had just raised the issue in gitlab as Manoj suggested you’d have gotten your answer months ago.

But you decided to rant about how it’s not userfriendly. Next time you join a project in its public Beta stage you should think if it’s the right fit for your needs.


Thank you for your answer but you have never given me a straight answer to my yes or no question. Instead you went on about my alleged bad intentions towards /e/ project (which is totally false as already explained and then explained again in my censored post) and about /e/'s millions lines of code making it allegedly impossible to provide any guarantee when all I was talking about was /e/ searX instance implementation, precisely.

Strangely then again you don’t provide us a straight answer. I don’t understand your refusal to officially state “No, /e/'s searX instance does not log its users IP addresses” if it’s not the case. I find all of that quite disturbing since all I ever did was asking for a simple yes or no answer.

In spite of our “dispute” or misunderstanding to say the least, I want to believe in your good faith and if only you provided us a straight answer, I would believe you despite the way things have been handled by /e/ until now.

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I read this as, yes we did log IP by accident, but not anymore. That would answer your question right?


You are wrong unfortunately. Manoj raised himself the issue and then it was closed without any proper explanation or statement whatsoever. Gitlab obviously isn’t the right place for that.

/e/ has been in its “public beta stage” for years now so there is no excuse for a project of this size and ambitions to request its end users to take part in developpers platforms when the team has already aknowledged the issue from this forum (that’s only internal work and organization, nothing concerning end users).

I have been using /e/ with satisfaction and here the only question is about /e/ searx instance logging IP addresses and of course the sometime questionable way it handles that kind of issues due to the topic of this thread so no need to get all emotional here.

I do read it that way as well but I don’t want it to be an interpretation matter.
All I’m asking for since the beginning is a simple straight official answer with no place for interpretation: “No, /e/'s searX instance does not log its users IP addresses”.

It really shouldn’t be so hard to provide it if they indeed don’t log their users IP addresses. That way the issue would have been dealt with for a very long time. I have no interest in going on and on about that and find that painful. I wish for that to come to an end at least as much as Manoj does.

To be honest i like to know the uninterpeted answer also, i don’t use searx myself, but might use it if no IP’s are logged.

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And I’m sure we are not the only ones here. SearX is a great metasearch engine and I especially like /e/'s implementation for its look and its default engines selection(google results through startpage instead of directly, and some famous privacy respecting engines). I think they did a great job there, I’d only make it so that the videos section doesn’t get displayed by default in the results.

If /e/ officialy states that their searX instance really doesn’t log its users IP addresses it would be the best choice for privacy and a perfect relation between usability and privacy. That’s why I’m insisting on getting an official straight answer here.

No unequivocal answer is a clear matter for me after the time and processes that have now passed: an admission that does not want to be spoken.

The strategy is just as clear: keep your mouth shut until the grass grows over it - according to the ‘3 Monkeys’ symbol ¹See nothing, hear nothing, say nothing¹.

The saying “see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing” is expressed in Japan as mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru (見ざる、聞かざる、言わざる).


Only spoiled kids make one of their whims when they don’t have their daily lollipop.
The others just invented it and are already working on the next invention.

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