Changing Phone's Ringtone to your favourite song or tune


To change your Phone’s Ringtone on /e/OS to a custom tune or a song of your choice.


Let’s roll.

  1. Open /e/OS Settings and navigate to and open Sound settings therein

  2. Scroll down in Sound settings and tap on Advanced

  3. Under Advanced sound settings, scroll to find and tap on Phone Ringtone.

  4. A page with list of ringtones appear, scroll down most to find and tap ‘+ Add Ringstone’ to select the downloaded audio file.

  5. Audio file name now appears as Phone Ringtone to use. Select your desired Phone Ringtone, tap OK.

Voila! Your favorite audio tune or song is now your Phone’s Ringtone. Enjoy!

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Thank you for writing, @manish

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Thanks @Manish !

A simple trick that worked for me (Android 8) : if you upload the audio file right in the special folder “Ringtones”, just aside “Download”, “Documents”, “DCIM” … etc (under /storage/emulated/0), you’ll see it appear automatically in the Phone ringtone pick list, at step 5 (without need to “Add ringtone”).

And it works the same for “Alarms” and “Notifications” :slight_smile:


Yes, it does. But then copying it to specific folders can be tricky for a layman on an Android device.
So, it is best we go this route. What say?

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Does this only work in Oreo and Pie builds?

I have a couple of Nougat builds*, and the ‘Adbvanced’ option doesn’t appear in the sounds menu. It has a ‘Phone ringtone’, but that has only ‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons

I added the ringtone by copying the file to the Ringtones folder as descrined by @jpmeuret above, but it would be good to know if the described way can work for Nougat builds.



  • Officlal e-0.7-n-2019112732147-dev-condor running on Moto E (condor)
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It has been tested on Pie exclusively. Soon most of the ROMs would be upgraded to Pie. So, kindly bear with us.

No worries. Thanks @manish

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Thanks Manish - I’m quite happy to wait :slight_smile:

When you say ‘Soon most of the ROMs wpld be upgraded to Pie’, does that include ROMs for older supported phones (e.g. Moto E Condor which currently have Nougat-based ROMs?


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