Clone a phone that use /e/


for some purpose, I’d like to have a backup phone that contain exactly the same things that the current one. In this case, if I have a problem with one, I can just use the second one, resynchronize with email, calendar and contacts, but all apps would be there without needed to re-install the phone
I have 2 times the same model (Samsung S7) and on linux, I use the command dd to duplicate a disk, I was wondering if something like that could be used with the phones under /e/OS

or any other idea that could do this job. Do you have any ideas how that could be achieve ?


Hi, welcome.
What you need is a backup of the phone.

Search the forum for backup/restore.
There’s an extensive topic about it.
Done for you

Search information about “adb commandes” something like

sudo adb dd - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Should exist

Would this work?

adb root
adb shell
