Complete my installation of Murena

I get the following error and what have I to do ?

This version of Murena Workspace allows a minimal access only. This means some configuration you set previously (e.g. additional mail accounts) as well as some functionalities (e.g. Files, PGP) may not be there. You’ll find them back when everything goes back to normal.

Hi @JohanJoost welcome to the /e/ forum.

This is the message we all see.

It is due to a server outage, see Week 53/1 , 2024,2025: Development and Testing Updates.

There is little one can do other than wait for 10th February when it should resolve.

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Hi @aibd , thank you for your answer. I going to wait until 10th february.

Is there a manual somewhere on the site for the first steps here?


Johan Joost van Daalen

I have found documentation already…