Constructive thoughts for a better communication about outages


There are outages in the /e/OS ecosystem sometimes. That’s life and even though some customers might get angry, I think that the advised techy adults that we, /e/OS early adopters, are, are all aware that maintaining such an ecosystem is very harsh work, especially with limited means compared to GAFAM competitors, and that outages happen.

A first step to improve, would be to better communicate outages to customers.

For instance, there has been an outage with App Lounge for 10 days, still ongoing. Why aren’t and the community forum communicating about this outage? There is only that discrete message below, lost into a long forum discussion. That message from @Manoj deserves to be pinned at a top banner of both and the community forum.

That does not require much additional work, just a procedure that asks the tech team to publish a red banner that can’t be missed about the outage on :rotating_light:. Even if the source problem has not yet been diagnosed, and even if no ETA is announced. At least customers are clearly informed, they don’t try to warn Murena team using multiple channels, and they know where to check for updates.

Also, I would like to thank and stand with the Murena / E-foundation team. People will continue to be aggressive and insulting under the pretext that they pay for a service but… boys will be boys. Keep focused and improve :sunglasses:


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