Contact unmerge and merged contact buga


I’ve a murena refurbished phone with pre-installed /e/os

I made some strange change in my contact, selecting many contact and hitting by mistake the merge button:

I manually counted 63 merged contact into one.
Probably the last one selected.

The unmerge doesn’t work. The .vcf export is also bugged without the contact. Still present on the phone.

Do you have any hint?

Where should I report the bug?

normal unmerge works for a 2 merged contact, but not for a huge one with 63 merged records.

From an online search I think the maximum contacts you can merge is 5 by default. I see that this default may be changed but the method may be device and Android version specific.

For your damaged .vcf file you might try to edit a copy of the file with a .vcf editing tool found online, or simply explore it by opening it with a spreadsheet. Be aware of .vcf versions – see

Contacts app > top left 3 bar menu > Settings > Export vCard version.

This will tell you the version in use for export, and also the versions acceptable to /e/OS. (I see versions 2.1, 3.0 and 4.0 so if you use a .vcf editor be sure it will save in one of these versions if you plan to import your finished work.

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