Crash after boot

Hey everyone!

A friend of mine is facing a problem. Her enchilada is rebooting everytime after unlocking the phone after it boots. Her phone is a little bit full, but i think this happened after an automatic system update and the system did not checked before if there is enough space left.

Is there any possibility to decrypt the data partition in the recovery to backup all important things? I’m using the fox recovery and there u can decrypt. But on the eos recovery a cant find anything similar.

Device: OnePlus 6 (enchilada)
e/os: 2.0

I hope someone has an idea.

Thanks a lot!

you can boot temporarily into twrp (not flashing it onto the boot partition) - and decrypt from there on an unlocked phone.

The threads where users on locked phones freed up disk space happened “blind” by looking at file-group attribution for its type - Fairphone shuts down after entering pin and goes into recovery mode - #7 by tcecyk

thanks! was not sure if its possible to temp boot into another recovery. we will try that!

still a little bit worried that there is only twrp release from 10.2022, same with fox recovery. but do u think it will work on an OP6 with e/os 2.0?

trying it is risk free when the phone is unlocked. Mostly it depends on twrp using the same partition layout, but I’d be optimistic. I think it’s not yet established it to be a space issue, but likely

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