Current Easy Installer master version (with /e/OS T) > not able to verify checksum recovery for bramble (Google 4a 5G)

I tried to install with the current master version of Easy Installer.
The verification of the checksum recovery for bramble (Google 4a 5G) fails with “not found”. Looks like the checksum file is really missing on the server.

15:50:16.070 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController - startNextDownload()
15:50:16.070 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController - taskIterator has next ? {} true
15:50:16.070 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController - bindProgressUIToService()
15:50:16.070 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController - DownloadService.createTask(,recovery-IMG-e-latest-t-bramble.img)
path = /tmp/easy-installer/sources/bramble/
path = /tmp/easy-installer/sources/bramble/
15:50:16.071 [Thread-30] DEBUG e.easy.installer.tasks.DownloadTask - downloadFile(, /tmp/easy-installer/sources/bramble/recovery-IMG-e-latest-t-bramble.img.sha256sum)
15:50:16.245 [Thread-30] DEBUG e.easy.installer.tasks.DownloadTask - response code: 404, Not Found
15:50:16.252 [JavaFX Application Thread] DEBUG e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController - DownloadService.succeeded()
15:50:16.865 [Thread-29] DEBUG e.easy.installer.tasks.DownloadTask - timeoutThread is over!

This issue still exists. I get the error “Can’t check integrity” for file … recovery-IMG-e-latest-t bramble.img.sha256sum Adding the checksum file to the server would fix the issue. I needed to switch to the manual install of /e/os due to this.

Manual installation is not hard with Pixel. If you have proper cable, working usb port, ADB installed, etc. Just be careful about security patches that they aren’t newer than the ones from /e/OS

Google Pixel 4a (5G) ‘bramble’ Stock Android 13 (TQ3A.230901.001, Sep 2023)
The Google stock Android security patches are nine months older than those of /e/OS-T (May 2024).

Cool, then that stopped beeing problem :+1::+1:

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