Is it possible to receive a single daily email summarising activity in the forum?
If I enable ‘Mailing list mode’ in Preferences | Emails, the only options are ‘Send an email for every post’ and ‘Send an email for every post except mine.’ both of which warn of up to 70 emails per day.
Nothing in Preferences | Tracking that looks like it would work either. Any ideas?
Just checked. It is indeed suppressed. Not sure why or who has done it. Will check with the infra team in case there are some issues in enabling it again.
If this feature could be enabled I think it would do what I’m after.
I remember this option had to be suppressed as users complained they were getting emails with the summary!
I have enable the option now. Users should by default get a summary email.
To disable it at a user level you can
Configuring user options
Users can customize their activity summary email preferences:
I’ve enabled the option, and set my preference to ‘Daily’
The text of the setting says
When I don’t visit here, send me an email summary of popular topics and replies
One thing that springs to mind before I use it is that I would like the daily email whether or not I have visited the site that day. I would like to be able to e.g. visit the site to respond to a specific post or message, and still get the daily Activity Summary email. Reading the page from the Dicourse site, I realise that may not be possible. Anyway, I’ll see how I get on with the current setup