DAVx5 and Nextcloud Contacts: OutOfMemoryError

until a new build is published:

not sure if this makes a difference - you can elevate to a adb root session and set the heapsize yourself. But usually the jvm needs to restart to pick this up and the setprop isn’t peristent across reboots.

Better: you search for the file where it is read out from, sorry I don’t know it from the top of my head, it should be after the init somewhere, settings that Zygote is running with (~“javas pid 1”).

adb root
adb shell setprop dalvik.vm.heapsize 512m

(requirement: enable developer options by 7x touch incantation → dev mode options → enable adb root)

Edit: this should do the job to pickup the newly set props… but again it will not be persistent. Just keep the phone running until the build is available

adb shell stop
adb shell start