Default APN is wrong, and setting it manually does not work

I am using /e/OS 2.4 on a FP3 with JaMobil (a Telekom reseller) as network provider. As it uses the Telekom network, the APN name is also “Telekom Internet”, but the other APN settings must be different: APN=internet.t-mobile, user=t-mobile, password=tm . Changing the settings manually or creating a new APN config does not work. The Activity opens, but the entered data is not saved, which is a bug in my opinion. How can I solve the problem? Or do I have to wait for a bugfix? I have already tried to edit /system/product/etc/apns-conf.xml from an “adb shell”, but the file es locked.

On the screen where you enter the new APN details, the save button is in the three-dot-menu at the top right.
Or is this exactly what’s not working for you?


Thank you, that works :smile:
However, it would be nice if the Save button would be visible in the header bar and not hidden in the menu, or if the user would be asked for saving when pressing the Back button.


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