Default Instant Messaging app in /e/OS: time to remove Telegram and Signal

the Mandarin (chinese) will pass before English this year ! so logicaly …

je préfère m’exprimer en Français, qui est ma langue natale, pour prévenir les problèmes de raisonnement qui sont culturels. Quand on s’exprime dans un langage autre que sa langue maternelle on fait immanquablement des erreurs ! parfois même de fond.
(I prefer to speak French, my mother’s language, to avoid the problems of reasoning that are cultural. When we speak in another language, we inevitably make mistakes! sometimes even background.)

That’s totally ok, we are very tolerant :slight_smile:

We are going off topic - Please lets return to the subject we need to discuss - default IM app - should we remove Telegram and Signal…
Use the language you are comfortable in - as long as others can get a reasonable translation and understand what is being said we should be ok…


ok , i’m for TELEGRAM for IM and SILENCE for SMS . they are both sufficiently POPULAR to acquire new users for /e/ . Choice confidential applications will be riskly to have customers.
I had arguments , but my first message was ERASED by someone . This one seems to forget his own french.

I don’t know why some people don’t like Signal, I think it’s really the best, and it’s recommanded by several websites for privacy: ThinkPrivacy, Privacy Tools.


Of all of the ‘popular’ ones Signal is my first choice too. Among the problems with it are that it is only possible to register by giving a mobile phone number and it is based on a central server architecture. The latter is true of most other services however (Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc.) Matrix is decentralised but the federated server model is as vulnerable to DDOS attacks as the centralised services (see Telegram in Hong Kong recently.) Theoretically at least, the future is distributed systems such as Jami and Tox. But they are currently too immature in terms of UX to have mass appeal.

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Matrix has a working bridge to Telegram
i’m gonna try the bridge to Signal this week
there is a Whatsapp bridge to, but it needs to be self-hosted

How does abridge works_Maybe we need some tuto.

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the Telegram bridge is really easy and it works well. Basically, you add a bot to your list of friends, and it sets up the bridge for you. really easy
the Signal bridge i tried just now but i found it more complicated so left it for now.
sms bridge and xmpp bridge i think are easy to setup, as are several others. All bridges have install guides

Thanks a lot, I will try to that link.

I find it difficult. If you know of any simple tutorials, please post a link. Thank you.

let me know if you need help!

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Thanks. I found that but I must have messed up somewhere because when trying to bridge to a Telegram group, Riot tells me that another room has a bridge and I don’t have permission to unbridge it. I chatted with someone in the Telegram group who explained something about it. I decided to abandon the idea for now.

hm that is strange, i would report it indeed to the developers via Github. I do think the bridge is still in beta, so perhaps these kinds of errors have not been ironed out yet.

just tried the Facebook Messenger bridge on with Matrix, seems to work well as well

I wonder if it’s something to do with the Matrix home server. I’m using the server.

ah OK i’m using the main Matrix server

I think that it’s less apps preinstalled better

Matrix bridge to /e/ community support Telegram group now available at


I want to share my views on this matter.
First of all, the situation differs depending the country you leave in. Here in Brazil, it’s impossible not to use WhatsApp, people use it for business, personal relationships, you name it.
My sister lives in Australia and she said that most people there uses SMS, not WhatsApp or Telegram or Signal…
She uses WhatsApp only to talk with the family and because of this I must use it too.
I’ve been trying the Matrix solution, it seems promising mainly because I can self host it. I want to make it work with the WhatsApp integration so nothing would change in the way I communicate with my folks. Unfortunately, I wasn’t abble yet to make the bot to work (some problem with x509 certificates).
Despite that, I’m using with my wife, son and daughter the Nextcloud Talk! I have my own cloud in a local VPS (soon to became my house server with NoIP solution) and the app works almost flawlessly. The video chat is way superior of WhatsApp’s even when using 3G connection which in Brazil is a crap.
Since the /e/ OS is intended to give the user control over his/her data it’s pointless to have a default app for instang messaging; not everybody uses any of them.
For me is the same thing with social media. Facebook app comes pre-installed in some models here in Brazil (I don’t know if it’s the same elsewhere) and it’s considered a plus for the buyer.
I don’t use it so why I would want it in my phone in the first place? If I ever want it I’ll install it.
Well, that’s just my opinion.

PS: Delta Chat it’s a very nice app but it lacks support for HTML so I dropped it in favour of a real mail app.

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