Default Mail App - e.mail vs Identity

Hi Guys,

I have a OnePlus 9 Pro running /e/OS “S” and using the default email app. I have the account synchronized however noticed my older “e.mail” address is still being set as the default email account name and identity.

When updating these settings to my “” address, the changes will save however the older “” account is forced back down some time later and I end up with essentially a duplicated account within the email app. I surmise Account Sync is looking at the “e.mail” addressing specifically within the account information setup in the mail app.

Is there anything that can be done to make my “” primary now that “e.mail” is being sun-setted? My goal is to get Account Sync and the email app to only use my “” address \ sending email from this address too.

Thank you in advance!

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In the Mail app you can go to Settings > your account > Sending emails > Identities (roughly translated from French) and define the identity and make it the primary one.

But maybe you already did that.

In my case I also had to disable the sync toggle on the phone Settings > Accounts > My murena account > Account synchronization. No one had been able to tell me the consequences of that, but at least the Mail app doesn’t force back the account again and again.

Great idea and updated the Sending Identity as well as disabled Email account sync.

Thank you very much for that!

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