Deleted notes and files are not in the "deleted files folder"

I’ve recently lost most of my notes. And I can’t find my deleted files. The folder for the deleted files still empty, even when I delete more files for testing. Anyone can help me?

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Is your question about notes synced with account?

Yes. The murena cloud “deleted files” folder still empty, even when I deleted other documents for testing.
At first my foldre “notes” was synced on my computer. I deleted it and the sync deleted the folder and the cloud. But it seems permanent and not on the “deleted files” folder.

What do see if do, what I recommended in this older post

Notes note gone due to NextCloud error - #4 by make-nz

You should see the history of your notes, or else something went very wrong, which only ever happened a long time ago, when there was a bug in NC

Infortunatly I don’t see any history. I’d like to recover my notes but I have little hopes. Now, my problem still the folder “deleted files”. It doesn’t work and still empty. So, I don’t have the security of restoring my files in case of a new error…
Thanks for helping btw :slight_smile:

Okay, one last thing on the server side/murena
Are there any events in Activities?

If no, it would indicate sync never worked and you would have to try to recover locally on the phone.

There were issue with notes in the past, what’s your /e version, btw?

Over here where some successful recovery of notes, should be a good starting point.
(and just don’t give up and delete the app and it’s storage)

Notes on phone that wouldn’t sync lost after OS update. Any hope of recovery? - #32 by ja.k

Hi. I don’t give up yet. Here some details of what exactly happened.

-I use notes on my phone, synced with murena cloud, along with agenda, calendar, task, app config. No synced problem between my phone and murena.
-I also have a sync between murena and my computer, but only for a few files which “notes” are not part.
-for a mysterious reason, last friday, the nextcloud program on my PC created a second sync with all my folders including “notes”. So, I deleted the folders I don’t need on my PC (including notes). Here I made a mistake since I deleted instead of stoping the sync. I also emptied the trash folder. (I tried revovering my files with testdisk but I failed).
-On the murena side, sync worked since the folders I deleted on my PC where deleted too. Except for a few notes that I modified on my phone before the sync (I guess). And the sync with my phone did the rest…
-Now, I realise I have a problem with the folder for deleted files on murena, like I said. It doesn’t work anymore.
-Another, strange thing, the sync between my phone and murena doesn’t recreated folders like “devices”, “movies”… which is usually automatic (I’ve already tried to get rid of this folders and they always come back.)
-Other syncs for agenda tasks and notes work fine.
-activities works fine: all the deleted files are recorded (so frustrating!)

My /e/ version is 1.17 on a samsung S7 (SM-G930F). My notes app version is 3.7.1

I can’t find the folder for notes app on my phone…
I’m still waiting for an answer from helpdesk.

Again, thanks for your help. And sorry for my mistakes, I’m not an english speaker. :sweat_smile:

I get my data back! I’m so excited. I tried with installing the Nextcloud apps : notes and nextcloud. On the nextcloud app the folder “deleted files” worked! And it fixed the problem on murena too with the synchronisation, so the folder “deleted files” is functionnal again.

Thanks a lot for the help. I found the solution on the oder post you linked me in.

I still don’t know in which part my notes are store on my phone

This would have been the next step, but don’t do this as a permanent solution, as you should not sync the same folders to the same host, with two apps! Under the hood murena uses the nextcloud app, too.

That said, copy them somewhere safe for now and have a good weekend.

Inside the app, notes are in database, only when they are being synced you’ll find the notes as text files in your murena notes app and you can browse the files in the files app, too.

Agree you shouldn’t use two apps. The code /e/OS uses to synch is a fork of Next Cloud’s code that /e/ have made changes to. And /e/'s Notes app is a fork of the NextCloud Notes app. Unfortunately the forks have introduced bugs (like your missing notes) and they lag behind the NextCloud code in terms of bug fixes and new features.

Your best bet is to disable /e/'s documents sync and install the NextCloud Sync Client app from F-Droid. That will synch files, including the files in the Notes directory.

In general it’s always better to use the ‘upstream’ original software, rather than unnecessary forks

EDIT: Post corrected: /e/'s sync solution (the eDrive app) is not a fork of NextCloud sync client. The NextCloud is however significantly better - more flexible and configurable, less buggy, handles pictrues better - than /e’s eDrive app. My ain point still stands: better to use upstreams than /e/'s apps for working with Notes and for synching

Apparently not. A developer corrected me on this in a pm:

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The nextcloud Notes app is the one I was referring to, in my head at least.
And it requires the main nextcloud app to actually work and sync, so you have everything for taking notes and syncing… And really can take the advice:

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