Disappear : Double tape on screen to wake-up

Hi all, i have bought a FP4.

I’m surprised to not seen the option “Double tape on screen to wake-up”.

I have flash 1.15-s-20230913330639-stable-FP4 version of e os.

Normally, the link to switch on the option is the following.

Parameters → Display → Other display parameters → “Double tape on screen to wake-up”.

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

You could have a look at the WaveUp app. Not exactly the same but using the approximation sensor is a good alternative in many cases.

A problem is that tapping or swiping requires hardware which supports this also when the display is off. This is something only a few devices are able to. All Blackberry 10 devices used swiping up from the bottom to the middle as wake-up gesture, this was doable with a thumb, one-handed, and it never happened in the pocket. But this is not to achieve without special hardware.

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I assume you are comparing an option that was available on OEM stock ROM and not from a previous /e/OS build?
If so, custom ROMs do not always support the same options one may have been accustomed to from a stock ROM. If the feature does exist I guess it would be under Settings → Display somewhere.

Much to my surprise, dt2w was only recently added to the Teracube 2e emerald (maybe two builds ago?). Never expected that since it didn’t exist from the beginning.

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