Does someone know, Why when i’m loggued in, discourse don’t show me french, german, Netherlands, spanish categories with flag… The only one i get is english categories…
Where as when i’m not loggued in, i can see and access them…
I thought for month these categories were disabled…, i discovery today they are still present when i disconnect.
A long time ago, i could see them even if i was loggued in…
What can i do to fix that ?
I need to have french categories too, when i’m login.
Super merci,
elles sont dans categories silencieuse… Donc pas affichées !
Je pense que c’est une mise à jour de discourse qui les a mises ainsi, car perso j’ai pas touché à ces paramètres.
We have been seeing this for some time …the language forums just disappear. Checking on it.
For now you I have added a slight addition to the list box on top left of the Main screen - Languages