DivestOS vs. /e/ OS - security and privacy easy

With NextDNS, connectivitycheck.android is blocked.
I have decided to trust NextDNS even if it is not open source. Before, I used Quad9. But in any way, one have to trust a DNS server, so why Quad9 should be more trustable that NextDNS ? So let’s go for NextDNS.
Any opinion ?

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I like the FDN.
But NextDNS allows to filter and monitor.

Something I have notice in NextDNS : we have to allow “mtalk.google” in order to have Signal notifications work properly.


I was thinking this :point_up_2: too but then I read this :point_down: which has started further thought. Any ideas?

Or dns fingerprinting :slight_smile: I’m looking at my dns logs a lot, patterns can be found…

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Privacy Central”, which I believe will do much of this tracker filtering at the system level, can’t get here soon enough!

Please share what you find further :point_down:. Does this make you think of changing DNS? And thank you for your help.

Edit: Only FOSS apps and a few from Aurora can be found on my phone. The host file blocking here is a very nice feature :point_down:. More discussion on /e/'s app store that I am following even though I don’t use it.

The NextDNS privacy policy sound great! But unfortunately one must trust, so once again another subjective choice! Back to original thought :point_down:

Going back to a flip phone looks more and more appealing :smiley:.

I think all flip phones in the U.S. run Android now, don’t they? In any case, an old flip phone won’t work without VoLTE, sadly.

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Just no access to apps, correct? To your point I’m sure there is and will increasingly be tracking in “dumber” phones.

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I don’t know. :man_shrugging:

Phones generate a certain pattern depending on the apps / os installed. In my case i have some very specific calls to domains because i own them :). I think i have to let go my desire to be anonymous all the time… It is just not possible. Next DNS promises to not log your queries that helps…

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Do you know if this is needed for Silence as well?

Nope. I dont know.
For Signal, I noticed notifications where not available as soon as I switched to NextDNS. After checking the log, I saw mtalk.google was very regularly blocked. A quick search in DuckGo made me find that this tracker was needed. Then I whitelist it and Signal notifications came back imediatly.

The fact that Signal need a Google tracker to work puzzle me a bit…

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I am seeing this too. In my log it is blocked and notifications don’t come through till I open the Signal app :frowning: .

Whitelist it and Signal will be alive again… But what to think about that ?

@XjFred Yes, I can add it to the “Allow list” . Now the question… What info does Foogle get when that tracker goes home? I don’t know what I don’t know… Any ideas?

Also it appears if I leave Signal open and just minimize it (don’t close it) that notifications are working even with mtalk.google blocked. Do you see the same?


If someone runs a forward facing NextCloud with an owned domain…is this too allowing for DNS fingerprinting?

Yes, the same until my phone goes in “sleep mode”.

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Yes, i don’t know if this is being done though, looked at my DNS log record and though, well this is also a fingerprint :).


Might be time for me to move to Silence and bring people (family/friends) with by showing this :+1:.

Next to impossible to be 100% private (even among "Privacy OS’ "), takes massive amounts of effort, time, expertise and money. Thanks for everything here. This discussion has been very helpful.

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