/e/OS Smartphone Operating System
Request a Feature The main factor behind the success of any project is the freshness of its ideas and the innovations it brings to the table. Keeping in line with that concept w/e/ are looking towards you to share your ideas and recommendations for features you want to see in /e/. Share all you Feature Requests under this category. Development Updates This category will include topics created by /e/ development team members. The topics will have details of Sprints - Bugs fixed in those sprints - Updates coming in next builds… Build Feedback This category is specifically for users to share their feedback and suggestion after the release of a particular build. At present the feedback and comments are spread all over the forum and tracking them is getting complicated. A build version specific thread will be created and users can add their comments, suggestions, feedback and discuss various issues in that thread. The idea is to make it easier to share the comments with the developers. This category is not a replacement for the Gitlab but is a place where users will discuss the issues and share feedback for a build. Features & Applications Section to discuss features, services & application either already part of /e/ or relevant candidates for ifuture releases of /e/. Note: please use our /e/ Support category if experiencing issues with features / services or applications as this category if focusing on /e/ product scope and roadmap. Translations This category is for the discussion of translations of /e/ into non-English languages. Please post here for errors you may find in translation as well as for volunteering and coordination of a new language to introduce in /e/. Testing Welcome to the section of the forum where we share information about testing /e/OS