Does Nougat and Oreo have app permission settings similar to Pie? [Solved]

Does Nougat and Oreo have app permission settings similar to Pie?

I don’t know what the settings are on Pie, but in Nougat and Oreo there is the possibility to

  • allow or deny Microphone, Position, Camera, etc.,
  • allow or not WiFi or data connection,
  • Privacy Guard

No, pie has better/more settings per app

Marshmallow (android 6, lineage 13)
has got a wifi and a data permission per app…

Thanks everyone. I wasn’t sure which version started implementing per app settings.

I could not find wifi and data permissions per app in Android Pie

In data usage

Thank you,
it was in “privacy/trust” before,
I was thinking “app data usage” was just for bit consumption…like in the past, because in the French menu the fonction is still called "conso des données ".