Downloading Nowhere

I’m really confused with the files dowloaded from the Web.

  • There is no notification helping me to locate them
  • Even after an extensive seach on the Files applications in the various storage folders, I can’t find them.
    Is there a way to set where these files must download ?
    My device is a Samsung Galaxy S7.

Very critical issue in France now we have to download governmental waiver to move under Covid-19 control.

Thanks for your help

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

about which app are you talking ??

For me everything I download appears right away in the downloads folder :upside_down_face:


In fact, I face this issue anytime, in any application where I can
download something.
Looks like that the download is completed but no way to show it. So I
switch to my laptop.

Recently, I have the issue with the French application

When downloaded on your smartphone it creates a QR code that you can
show the police in case of check.
You have to issue this QR everytime you want to quit home !!!


the covid 19 app will not work with eOS til next microG update as written in tons of posts here in forum.

Your download issue I can’t imagine. As written before normally all downloads are located in Downloads folder. Only some apps will have his own download folder like some Browsers, or seafile client. But the download location you will find than in the settings of the app.

Thanks Harvey
I didn’t figured out that the problem lies in MicroG.
So until its release, there no alternative available.

I checked with Qwant and default Browser.


Example default browser:
In the 3 dots menu right upper side you can access the downloads direct

And in Settings you can see and change the download location


Indeed I searched this Downloads folder on the same Browser. Mine is empty.
Unfortunately Browser doesn’t work anymore : ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED !!!

Also a clarication : we have in France 2 official applications for Covid :

  • The first one is a tracking tool (based on Bluetooth) : I use it, fine
    (no downloads requested once installed).

  • The second one is a “police” application to allow you to walk, ride or
    drive outdoor under lockdown : that one issues a new personal QR code
    you have to download on the smartphone (every day). This is why I’m in


Hello @YFi, let’s clarify this.

If you want to use the generator provided by the French government (it’s not an obligation) instead of print it and fill it by hand :
You should find every downloaded files in “Fichiers”. Click on the 3dots on the top right, then on “Afficher le stockage interne”. Now click on the hamburger button on the top left to show the menu, click on “SM-G930F” and click on the “Download” folder to show every downloaded files.

This generator isn’t an application, so use the word “website” instead in order not to confuse people (otherwise they will think you are talking about TousAntiCovid) :slight_smile:

By the way, TousAntiCovid works on /e/OS because it doesn’t use the Google Exposure API.

Thanks for your help but after the 3 dots, my menu is different than yours.
I want to reinstall Browser to retest it. How to ?

In case it may help, my download location is

Indeed you don’t even have to go into the 3 dots. Just open “Fichiers”, the menu will automatically be displayed, click on “SM-G930F” to be able to browse your external storage (external storage here doesn’t mean microSD card). Now you just have to click on “Téléchargements” (or “Download”).

Sorry I drilled many times in the “files” and its subfolders down to the
Dowloads or Telechergement folders : no files from the Generator.

I really want to reinstall Browser.

You can’t re-install it because you can’t delete it (under normal condition), but you could reset Browser :
Paramètres > Applications > Browser > Stockage > EFFACER LES DONNÉES > OK.

For your information, please follow the steps I indicated in my previous post because yes in the menu there is a shortcut towards “Téléchargements” but sometimes some files can appear in SM-G930F > Download and not in “Téléchargements” (yes it doesn’t make any sense but that’s what can happen).

And inversely, you can try open Fichiers and go directly to “Téléchargements” if you never tried.

If you see nothing, change the download folder in the Browser settings as stated by Harvey.

Thanks for your help, but I give up.
Browser is no more communicating at all. ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
QWANT communicates fine.

Best regards

Peut-être a-t-on le droit de parler français ici puisqu’on évoque un “website” spécifiquement français ?
Il s’agit du fameux générateur d’autorisations de sorties dont le site web est
" "
Sur mon /e/phone (un Samsung S 7), ça fonctionne très bien.
J’ai placé ce site dans les favoris de mon navigateur /e/ pour pouvoir l’afficher rapidement en cas de besoin.
Ensuite je remplis toutes les cases (sans en oublier aucune, sinon, ça ne fonctionne pas) et je déroule l’écran jusqu’au bouton “générer mon attestation”
J’appuie sur le bouton et un pop-up me signale que l’attestation est téléchargée.
Je la retrouve effectivement dans l’appli “fichiers” de mon /e/phone.
Mais elle n’est pas visible dans le 1er écran qui s’affiche.
Comme l’a dit un autre intervenant, il faut pointer le “hamburger” en haut à droite (les 3 barres noires horizontales). Dans la liste d’emplacements proposés, on trouve “téléchargements” et l’attestation s’y trouve sous la forme d’un fichier pdf avec un QR code
Ma méfiance initiale envers ce genre d’application a été “démontée” par le fait qu’il s’agit d’une “application” (pardon d’un website) open-source.
J’espère que les plus affutés d’entre nous ont été voir ce qu’il y a “sous le capot” !


J’ai aussi ouvert le “hamburger” et je n’y ai pas trouvé l’attestation.

Mais depuis hier le problème s’est très bien résolu :

  • lancer l’attestation depuis le menu “ToosAntiCovid”
  • les cordonnées personnelles sont mémorisées pour les attestations
  • le QR s’affiche et reste mémorisé chaque fois qu’on active TousAnti
    Covid (enfin le dernier QR).

Le problème générique de téléchargement reste mais mon problème
Attestation est résolu.

Bonne soirée