Dual SIM with one eSIM: Physical SIM always used for mobil Data?f

Hello community,

yesterday I installed /e/ on my new FP4. Due to it is a Pseudo-Dual-SIM Phone, I have to use at least one eSIM. I choose my main SIM card for that.
Unfortunately, the system always things the physical SIM, that is also noted as number 1, should be used for mobile data. Doesn’t matter how often I deactivate mobile data for that SIM and activate it on the eSIM - After each change of a system profile this settings are set back. But why???

I have no idea, how to change the SIM card position or how to tell the system, that eSIM is the MAIN SIM. Has someone experience with additional apps that could solve this?
By the way, the settings for eSIM as standard for calls or SMS are not lost after switching the profiles. Could this be a bug?!?

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