E.email user disabled


I have an FP3 but never really used the /e/ email. I created an e.email account when I got the phone, and it still seems to be working fine. It says it’s syncing and I can open the email app and check the emails (latest received 2023 from Murena). I’m stuck at android version 9 and I’m about to update it to the newest version, so I want to be sure that I can add my /e/ account afterwards. So I try to login at Login – Murena to check that I got the correct password written down. I can’t login however, and it says “User disabled”. When I try to reset my password I’m not getting any reset password email in my email app.

What does it mean that my account is “disabled”? Why does it show as working on my phone if it’s disabled? How can I enable it?

Thanks for any help,

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Did you set a recovery email when creating this /e/OS email? If yes, the recovery email should reach that ID. If you are still facing issues, send a mail to helpdesk@e.mail and the infra team can check the issue and help resolve this.

Don’t know if I set any recovery email, no password recovery mail arrived in any of my other email boxes. I’ll contact the helpdesk. Thank you!

It’s quite an ironic situation, requiring to already have an email in order to unlock your email account.

Since i had the same issue, I emailed helpdesk@e.mail but my mailbox immediately told me this address doesn’t exist. So I had to search for another one, and I found helpdesk@murena.com on the /e/ foundation’s Installation support page.

Could I bring a few things:

  • Please provide your users a way to contact support on the spot, from the place they can have an issue. It’s a terrible user experience to be literally blocked in place with no way to go from there.
    People that are not tech-savvy aren’t going to go out of their way to figure out what to do from there (they don’t even know what to do and how!).
    And even those who are knowledgeable, will get tired of this really quickly because it’s a pain to do, and other providers do this better.
    Why not give any kind of help from murena.io/login? It’s literally the first place anything could go wrong and there is no safety net. Even a simple link to send an email is better than posting an error message and abandoning the user there. If you don’t want to figure out the places you could need to put a help line, then just have it in your footer on all pages indiscriminately. It might be an ugly looking solution, but any user would prefer a helpline available at all times over a pretty looking screen.
  • Apparently I am not the only one in this situation of having their account disabled and not being informed. So why are accounts being disabled, and how does this happen without people being aware? Maybe i was informed on my murena mailbox, and maybe I would have been warned on my other mailboxes but I didn’t set up a recovery email to be informed there as well, which would be surprising for me but yet plausible. If that’s the case, that’s an issue. So many people want to have only one mailbox. Requiring from your mailbox users to always have another active mailbox at all times to use your mailbox makes no sense. You shouldn’t require your users to rely on concurrent services to be able to use yours. Otherwise, the only users you will have are ones that don’t really need your service in the first place… Other providers I know treat the backup email as an option, and other channels are available to communicate safely, such as phones, quite simply. And even if a user set no other communication channel, at least they would have a way to get support on the spot the day they are refused from logging in.
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