The focus was mainly on privacy, and the history of /e/ is well explained. Other projects also got some spotlight: Volla, Ubuntu Touch, Mudita Pure
Edit: the article is paywalled, sorry for getting your hopes up. I see it as a signal for mainstream appeal of /e/. The content of the article is well known for anybody in this forum. It’s giving an overview of parties involved and no indepth review of /e/ or the other alternatives itself.
It is not a bad link, it is a good one and a gogo. Nothing is for free and I thought that’s why we are all here. If you want freedom and democracy then you have to pay for it. Best would be if you buy a subscription to read the article and also monthly donate to the /e/ foundation - because our beloved privacy focused OS also isn’t magically made by people who don’t need an income for a living.
Thank you for your renewed attention. I’ve read this article in its entirety.
Attentive /e/Forum users have also read this kind of information dozens of times in similar articles. Some lines of text remind me of a paste & copy action.
Being an enthusiast myself, getting a read on how my special interest is presented to a general audience by a professional writer has a self reflective effect