Why would I say something like I did in the Title? Because /e/ doesn’t show how important Freedom of Choice in a System is.
My Data is My Data is not simply about Data. Privacy Oriented systems like this, are also suppose to reflect Freedom of Choice in the entire infrastructure.
In regards to #1 above, Notes requires you to have an account to work, this isn’t Freedom, this is being forced into using something the company way.
Sync is On by Default, all your contacts, pictures, everything will be automatically uploaded to their Cloud, if you don’t turn of Sync quickly, and to new users, they might not understand this right away.
In regards to #3 above, not everyone likes the Cloud, or wants to Sync, so Sync in a world of Privacy Orientated systems, this would be Off by Default, to protect someone’s rights and choice, this also doesn’t reflect a company Mission/Policy about how My Data is My Data, the right to chooose what to do with it.
In regards to the Cloud and Devices Sync, the online site murena.io, if you log into the website and you created an account on your device and left Sync on, besides seeing all your data now in their cloud, you wll also notice that the system automatically created the same File Directory structure that your device has, and even a Folder named after your Device. Again, this shows a lack of Privacy and end-user choice, having this all automatically created for them. Some people might like the idea of having an email account, with Files created with the structure of their device, and others might wish to have a basic normal email account is all, again, Freedom of Choice, allowing end-users to choose, has been lost here.
So, in the world of the Proprietary OS, and companies, like Apple, Microsoft, Google, etc., they all say the same things, we are not forcing you, you can choose, and download other apps and change things. Everyone gets this, but in the so called scheme of things, when it comes to ease of usage and simplicty, companies like this forgot, for many end-users this just creates frustration, having to find good working alternatives, and that isn’t always so easy.
So while /e/ might be saying the same thing, they aren’t forcing you into any way, and just wanting to offer a complete and easy solution for everyone, /e/ is also forgetting, you are forcing end-users into accepting your way of doing things, when you could of offered a Notes app that doesn’t require an account, or Auto Sync and create everything.
Real Data, Real Privacy/Security is showing Real Respect to your end-users, in an OS and system anyone creates, that they have Real Freedom of Choice in that system, to do 100% as they please, with how you created that system.
Don’t take me wrong /e/ I’m not here to give you or anyone a bad word here, I’m only giving feedback, because I do appreciate what you do, so that is why I’m taking my time to share, to help make it better, because it can be and it should be.
SO, I’m sorry to say, but some of the things you are doing are wrong, and should be changed, if you really care about everything being the end-users.
My Data, My OS, My Account, Mine, Mine Mine…